Call for Participation

The ‘Smart’ Homes Project is looking to interview New Yorkers, ages 14-19, to understand how they experience and imagine life at home with digital technologies.

This research is led by Dr. Gregory T. Donovan and has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of Fordham University.

Only 1 Hour

Interviews last for one hour and happen online thru Zoom.
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The identity of interview participants is kept confidential.
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$40 Gift Card

All interview participants receive a $40 gift card.
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About The Interview

  • Participants must be 14 to 19 years old and live within New York City or the surrounding area to take part in an interview. If you are under 18 years old, you will also need the approval of your parent or legal guardian.
  • Interviews occur online via Zoom (a free video-conferencing software) and questions will focus on the participant’s digital routines, opinions and perceptions, and will ask them to reflect on specific examples of smart home technologies.
  • The interview will take one hour to complete. The time and day of an interview will be scheduled with each participant to accommodate their schedule.

Compensation For Participation

All interview participants receive a $40 American Express Digital Gift Card. Gift cards are emailed following the interview to the participant’s personal email address.

Participation Is Confidential

  • The identities of interview participants will be kept confidential and known only to the project’s Principal Investigator.
  • Interviews will be recorded and transcribed but any names or information that could be used to identify a participant will be removed from the interview transcript and the original interview recording will not be made public.

Who’s Conducting This Research?

The Principal Investigator of this research is Dr. Gregory T. Donovan. Dr. Donovan is an Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University. Funding for this research has been provided by Fordham University.

Fordham University

Let’s Talk: Request an Online Interview

Online interviews will be scheduled at a time and date that is convenient for each participant. An email with additional information and the necessary consent forms will be sent within 3-5 days of completing the form.

If you experience problems completing the form or would like to directly contact the Principal Investigator, please email

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